When the crisp fall air hits, Ohio residents are ready to fill their Saturdays with football, fire pits, and hot apple cider. Most of us are ready to leave
lawn care behind and say goodbye to summer. However, fall is an important time for your lawn’s health and getting it ready for winter.
We at
Lawn Plus LLC suggest that if you do nothing else, be sure to maximize your lawn’s health by doing these three things this fall.
1. Fertilization
Lawn fertilization is not just for spring and summer. Your grass needs nutrients to get it through the winter, so it’s ready to pop up nice and green next spring. We at Lawn Plus LLC recommend both a late summer fertilization treatment (sometime between late August and early October) as well as a winterizing lawn application (between mid-October and mid-December).
2. Aeration
Most lawn care experts recommend aerating your lawn once annually in the fall.
Aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from your lawn, which allows your grass room to breathe and to receive needed nutrients down into the roots. Additionally, aeration helps rid your lawn of lawn thatch.
3. Lawn Repair
If your lawn needs over-seeding to repair patchy spots, fall is a good time to consider doing this. You can pair this lawn care service with aeration, or utilize a slit seeder to make sure the seed gets into the ground. Either way, be sure to also fertilize your lawn to maximize grass growth.
Lawn professionals recommend that you try to complete
lawn repairs early in the fall so that the grass has time to begin growing before winter.
For these and other lawn services,
contact Lawn Plus LLC at
(937) 839-5296 for a free estimate. We can help answer your
lawn-care questions and get your grass ready before winter hits.
photo credit:
Fall leaves on the ground via
photopin (license)